3/5 Not really daily feature or front pagematerial
Well looking at this flash it was graphically pretty impressive. The guy looked quite good everything was actually very good looking, Well besies the machine in the background with incredibly choppy movement. The main part of the animation looked somewhat reused other than the symbols. The guys posing was very limited with the same looking arm movement. The style was Pretty good art wise but basically the same sort of background got old.. quick. The sound was incredibly annoying with the guys voice it seemed as if your approach was to be humorous but it was just incredibly stupid. The violence was very how i should say subpar. I thought the arm hit would be cool but it was very poorly done. No interactivity besides the play button. The humor which was supposed to be the main part of the flash was not humorous most of the jokes were wash rinse repeat and stale ones at that. So here is my list of complaints with this flash i wouldn't really call this a review because this isn't really a flash as much as a slideshow of reuused animation. As in the words of kanye west (lol NSMB) i will describe the flash in a first person view death being the phrase of a blam "I must have an angel cuz looked how death missed his ass"