Really cool game. it doesn't keep your attention very long but it was still pretty fun. The powerups were really cool, anyways. The graphics were great, awesome gradients (for once someone does it right) The star looked tool the table and everything. The style wasn't great but thewre wasn't too much to do with this simple an idea so i'll give a high score anyways. Sound went incredibly well with the game. The loop got a little annoying but i really like the little clicks or bumps W/E when you hit the puck.No violence who gives a shit.No humor ah well.
~#*~ Good Points ~#*~
Great graphics
Solid gameplay
Good sound
The powerup
~!$%~ Bad Points ~!$%~
Annoying loop
Not very original
Very minor control problems
Thats basically what i think of your work i really hope to see another game from you maybe more original next time.